🌱 This is not a blog, it is a digital garden/documentation of my life. A digital garden is a collection of thoughts, ideas and actions which signifies the process of evolution. Unlike blogs, a digital garden does not have a publish date, the posts are evergreen and keep evolving with sequels.

React Context API 101

React Context API 101

Think of a situation where you have two child components nested under a parent. For reference, look at the snippets from a Quotes app below, where App.js has two children QuotesIndex.js and QuotesList.js. The QuotesList components has the state (data) for all the

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The Jamstack Guide

The Jamstack Guide

Jamstack has always been really confusing to understand for me. I can still remember the first time I heard of it, when an interviewer asked me a question related to security in Jamstack sites and I was like "What is it at the first place?". I feel o

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